Vinyl Chevron Chic 6706

6706 : Vinyl Chevron Chic
Pebblestone Gray
Crisp and graphic, this Type II performance vinyl wallcovering has the look and feel of a handcrafted, natural material and is virtually seamless. Engineered for high traffic and damp areas, this wallcovering is durable, low VOC, and anti-microbial. Perfectly suited for residential and commercial use, this item is a wide width and can be railroaded.
Mill Stocked Typically ships within 1 - 3 days
Trims to 50-52 in (127-132.1 cm)
Bolt Size
30 Yards
Minimum Order
15 yards
Order Increments
5 yards
CFA Availability
Not Applicable
Cut Availability
Fire Rating
• ASTM E84 Class A
• CAN ULC S102 FSV 32 SDV 55
• EN-13501 B-s2,d0
• UK BS 476 Class 0
• CAN ULC S102 FSV 32 SDV 55
• EN-13501 B-s2,d0
• UK BS 476 Class 0
Vertical Repeat
.56 in (1.43 cm)
Horizontal Repeat
5.25 in (13.3 cm)
Type II Washable
Level I, Virtually Seamless
Leed Credits
• EQc2 - Low VOC
• MRc5 - HPD
• MRc5 - HPD