Vinyl Washi Step 23410

23410 : Vinyl Washi Step
Black Coffee
This luxurious small-scale texture has the look of handcrafted plaster wallcovering in Type II performance wallcovering. With the look and feel of a handcrafted, natural material, our vinyl wallcovering is expertly engineered for high traffic and damp areas. This wallcovering is durable, low VOC, and antimicrobial making it perfectly suited for residential and commercial use.
Mill Stocked Typically ships within 1 - 3 days
Trims to 50-52 in (127-132.1 cm)
Bolt Size
30 Yards
Minimum Order
15 yards
Order Increments
5 yards
CFA Availability
Not Applicable
Cut Availability
Fire Rating
• ASTM E84 Class A
• CAN ULC S102 FSV 32 SDV 55
• EN-13501 B-s2,d0
• UK BS 476 Class 0
• CAN ULC S102 FSV 32 SDV 55
• EN-13501 B-s2,d0
• UK BS 476 Class 0
Vertical Repeat
36.5 in (92.7 cm)
Horizontal Repeat
52 in (132 cm)
Type II Washable
Level II, Subtle Seaming
Leed Credits
EQc2 - Low VOC